As indicated in our recent post, Juventutem members from Europe, the United States, and elsewhere will be converging on Rome for CISP Pilgrimage to the Seat of Peter, 23-26 October 2014.
In addition to the Roman part of the pilgrimage, it is anticipated that American members of Juventutem – including at least one member of Juventutem Michigan and one member of Juventutem Miami – will aim to visit communities of European traditionalists en route to St. Peter’s.
Present expected itinerary:
18-19 October – Paris
Night train to Florence
20-21 October – Florence, mostly at Gricigliano (the seminary of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest)
21-22 October – Trip to Assisi and then Rome.
It may be possible for other young adults to join us, particularly young men. (Young women are welcome to come too but, if the group stays in seminaries/monasteries that cannot accommodate women, they will need to provide for themselves).
If you’re interested, please email secretary at juventutem dot org.