With the assistance of a great local order, this October, Juventutem Michigan is organizing a silent retreat for young men and young women, 18 to 35 years old, married and single.
Together we will undertake the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius – those meditations, prayers, and mental exercises that the saint wrote to help each retreatant see his or her life as Jesus sees it and to commit himself or herself to an ever closer walk with Our Lord.
The human soul is continually drawn in two directions: both drawn towards goodness, and at the same time tempted towards sinfulness. In the Exercises – with prayer and with the aid of spiritual directors – each of us retreatants will work to discern the good and to recommit ourselves towards pursuing Him. Please bring your Bible.
The retreat will be silent, even at meals. Included in this ‘silence’ will be a complete absence of electronic devices – no music, no internet, no e-books. Outside spiritual reading, if any, should be brought in the form of printed books. If not left at home, all mobile devices must be left in vehicles – Juventutem cannot take any responsibility for the safety of vehicles.
Please see the full information on our Eventbrite registration page.