Populus Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage + FIJ Secretary Opening

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by Paul S on September 25, 2018

Over Christ the King weekend, 26-28 October 2018, Juventutem is again corporately participating in the Roman pilgrimage organized by the Cœtus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum.

On Friday morning, 26 October, FIJ Secretary Paul Schultz will address those who attend the Summorum Pontificum Meeting (tickets) organized by Oremus Paix Liturgique, together with the International Federation Una Voce, and Juventutem.

Juventutem members will attend the opening Mass that Fr. Charles Ike FSSP will celebrate at 6:00 pm at Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini.  After Mass, we will meet up for dinner at Da Vittoria a Trastevere for dinner.  Please RSVP via Facebook, here.

On Saturday, we will join in the Adoration at San Lorenzo in Damaso, the Procession across Rome, and the Pontifical Mass at St. Peter Basilica.  After Mass, with the support of Paix Liturgique, we will meet up at Via della Conciliazione 51 – please RSVP via email as soon as possible: secretary at juventutem dot org.

In addition to discussing preparation for our forthcoming trip to World Youth Day Panama (register here), one of the items that we will discuss in our meetings with be the next Secretary of the Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem.  Paul Schultz, the founding Group Coordinator of Juventutem Michigan, has served as the Secretary of the FIJ since 18 November 2013 and has also served as coordinator of Juventutem activities in North America since January 2013.  If a capable replacement Secretary can be found, Paul is interested to retire to the position of Secretary Emeritus on or about 18 November 2018.

New Secretary
Any new Secretary of Juventutem will be chosen by the Bureau of the FIJ – the President (Bertalan Kiss), the International Ecclesiastical Assistant (Fr. Armand de Malleray FSSP), the Treasurer (Cosimo Damiano Marti), and the current Secretary.  In making its selection, the Bureau may freely consult with members of active Juventutem chapters around the world.

Juventutem is a lay movement.  Juventutem is an association of lay faithful.  Its members promote the True, the Good, and the Beautiful and, in particular, the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.  The leaders of Juventutem are not internet controversialists but in-person workers in the vineyard.  The role of the Secretary of Juventutem focuses on communication and diplomacy in support of this cause:
– Communicating with chapters of Juventutem as to participating in international events such as World Youth Day and as to paying the annual dues.
– Receiving communications from the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life and responding to them or causing them to be responded to by the Juventutem member who competence it is to do so.
– Receiving inquiries from those who are interested in seeking to affiliate a group of young adults to the Juventutem movement and facilitating the consideration of their applications by the full Bureau.
– Meeting members of Juventutem and other faithful attached to the Traditional Latin Mass in person as often as possible.

Together with the other members of the Bureau, the Secretary supports the institutional memory of Juventutem – both by familiarizing himself or herself with such resources as exist to report on Juventutem as well as by exercising active curiosity to query those with personal experience of Juventutem’s activities.

Please apply
A candidate must:
– Fulfill the Criteria for Admission under the Charter of Juventutem (particularly paragraphs 27-28).
– Practice the Three Spiritual Commitments set forth in paragraph 22 of the Charter.
– Have paid the 2018-2019 member dues to the FIJ (wiring instructions here; or submit 10€ here).
– Have a high level of proficiency with Information Technology and Social Media (particularly Facebook, GMail, Google Hangouts, Skype, Google Documents, and Twitter).
– Submit a resume demonstrating fulfillment of the criteria – providing examples where possible.
– Be an unpaid volunteer who pays his or her own way to most or all activities.
– Participate in an interview, if requested.

An ideal candidate would:
– Write and speak English with confidence.
– Write and speak more than one language with confidence (French, Italian, and/or Spanish preferably).
– Have advocated for Catholic young adults and that resources – money, time, space – be utilized to promote their sanctification.
– Be familiar with internet posting, such as blogs (ideally WordPress CMS).
– Demonstrate excellent in leading groups of Catholic young adults (ideally including a Juventutem group).
– Have represented organizations at international public events.
– Attend the 2018 pilgrimage in Rome or register to attend and pay all fees associated with attending WYD Panama 2019.
– name and provide contact information for two Juventutem members or clerics who would be prepared to speak to the candidate’s qualification for serving as secretary of an international lay movement.
– The role of Secretary is not geographically constrained. However candidates based in North America would receive preference unless a coordinator of Juventutem activities in North America is chosen separately.  (This is because ~50% of active Juventutem chapters are in North America (11 out of 22) and it is beneficial to Juventutem that at least one Bureau member live in a similar time zone to the Group Coordinators of those chapters.)

To apply for the position please email the above described resume to Paul Schultz, the current Secretary of Juventutem – secretary at juventutem dot org.  Resumes received before 19 October 2018 will have the benefit of being considered by the President, Secretary, and Treasurer as they meet together in person at the pilgrimage in Rome with other Juventutem members.  Resumes received after the pilgrimage will also be considered.

Juventutem flag at St. Peter's

2015 - Paul and Aramis in DC

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