ASB 2014: return to Clear Creek Abbey – 1-9 March

Post image for ASB 2014: return to Clear Creek Abbey – 1-9 March

by Paul S on February 13, 2014

Introíbo ad altáre Dei.  Ad Deum, qui lætíficat juventútem meam.  I will go in to the altar of God.  To God, who giveth joy to my youth.  Psalm 42:4 (Vulgate numbering)

In the ‘spring’ of the year, at the time when kings would go out to war, it is again appropriate that juvenes – when there is a break from studies – should go out vigorously, in service of God and man.

To that end, Juventutem Michigan is again offering an alternative spring break trip to Clear Creek Abbey, Oklahoma – Our Lady’s buckle on the Bible Belt.  University students and other young men and women are welcome to make the trip.

Cost: $250.00 (limited scholarships available)

Via YouTube, check out this movie that EWTN prepared, as to the Monks of Clear Creek:

Pilgrims will gather in Battle Creek on the evening of Friday, February 28th, for Juventutem Michigan’s monthly Mass and dinner, at St. Philip (Facebook). After spending the night in Battle Creek, they will depart first thing in the morning for St. Louis, where they will spend Sunday and will attend Mass at the Oratory of SS. Gregory and Augustine.

They will travel through Missouri in such a way as to reach Hulbert, OK and Clear Creek at noon on Monday, March 3rd.  Having arrived shortly after the Abbey’s Annual Work Day, the pilgrims will spend the week of Ash Wednesday in or near the monastery. All pilgrims will have the opportunity for daily Mass and a self-directed retreat at the remote abbey.  In addition, young men will, to the extent permitted by the Benedictine way of life, join in the brothers’ life of work and prayer.

Departing on the morning of Saturday, March 8th, they will return to St. Louis and assist at Sunday Mass at the St. Francis de Sales Oratory, before returning to Battle Creek that night.

The ASB application should be completed at this Google form.  While not required, we also appreciate if ASB pilgrims could also RSVP to the Facebook event for the trip.  Questions: please get in touch using the info on our contact page.

Those who can are encouraged to visit this page, and donate to us via PayPal.

The following pictures are taken from the extended photo gallery that is linked-to from the Abbey’s website, as well as from pictures that Juventutem Michigan’s first ASB pilgrims took in 2013.

Front gateJuventutem Michigan at Work Day 2013Clear Creek AbbeyWork Day 2013Upper Church (under construction)The Gate HouseClear Creek Abbey under snowDoor of the AbbeyMen's prayer scheduleMonks at prayerThe Conventual MassMonks - walking and prayingMonks - at prayerIncenseElevation at Masslaborem quotidianum'writing' an iconquesoPreparing the collationdinnermonksMonks at prayerOur Eucharistic Lord - being adored at Our Lady of the Annunication of Clear Creek AbbeyArtisanal Construction: carving workASB Pilgrims 2013A view from a man's guest room in the monasteryMen helping monks plant orchardA monk opens a gate through the sheep fieldsWomen pilgrims' lodging - visitors' log cabinLog cabin interiorMinimally insulated bedroomLog cabin kitchenLog cabin, shown w/o snow















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